There is a full calendar of Seniors Interclub Matches throughout the year at Puttenham Golf Club open to any full member aged 55 or over. We compete against many other clubs in our local area both home and away and the matches provide a great opportunity to play some matchplay golf in a team environment and to visit and play other courses.
Summer matches take place between March and October and are run by Paul Wallace-Stock. Sign-up sheets are put on the Seniors Noticeboard in the Men’s Changing Room a few weeks in advance of each match. Paul will then select the team and posts it on the same noticeboard.
There is also an Interclub Winter League that Puttenham participates in and this team is run by another of our very active members Alan Marshall.
If you want the chance to have your name on an honours board one of the main days in the seniors calendar is "Seniors Day" which takes place in early September for the Compton Bowl Trophy.
Some of our seniors play regularly every Monday morning at 8am and are known as the Mondaycaps. If you want to play with the Mondaycaps they are extremely friendly, just contact the organiser Allan Henson